The 5 Most Common Types of Roofing Damage

Could you recognize common types of roof damage on your roof if you saw them? Some are easier to spot than others. If you aren’t sure that your roof has sustained any recent damage, a roofing contractor can examine your roof and let you know what types of damage he/she sees if they are present.

1. Wind Damage

High winds from storms and tornados can lift sections of your roof up and cause them to flap in the breeze. Some stronger tornados will take shingles off completely. Some of this you can see from the ground. Some won’t be as visible without a ladder. 

2. UV Rays

The sun’s harsh UV rays can cause a roof to fade and crack. Aging of roofs is more rapid if the roof is fully exposed to the sun all day and all year long. A roof replacement will occur a lot sooner than you want when the UV rays cause damage.

3. Hail 

Hail can cause extensive damage to a roof. It dents and cracks shingles, shaving off the bitumen coating that protects your roof from other causes of damage. Singular shingles can be repaired or replaced.

4. Tree

Tree damage occurs on roofs when branch growth reached the roof and begins to brush against the shingles. Keeping the trees trimmed and checking their health is a must. Tree damage is obvious as it scares the roof and displaces the granules.  A roofing contractor can do an inspection of your roof and show you photos of any concerning areas.

5. Algae

Algae isn’t as common as all the other causes of roof damage, but it damages a roof sometimes worse than mold. It spreads all over shingles and gets underneath them. It is very obvious as it looks like giant lacey gray patterns speckling your shingles. An algaecide spray kills the algae and can help prevent new algae growth.